
2021年7月18日—Ido.Personally.IthelpsforsiteswhereIhavemorethanoneuseraccount(Redditforexample)butdon'thaveuserswitchingreadily ...,2019年10月1日—Personal,Customer1andCustomer2inacontainerforeach.ThesamegoesforGoogleaccounts.Pleaseaddthis,andIwilluseBraveevenmore.,FacebookContainerisawebbrowseradd-onthatiscreatedtoisolateyourFacebookaccountsfromyourotherwebactivities.Byputtingitinsidea“containe...

Are you still using the Facebook container?

2021年7月18日 — I do. Personally. It helps for sites where I have more than one user account (Reddit for example) but don't have user switching readily ...

Facebook Container

2019年10月1日 — Personal, Customer 1 and Customer 2 in a container for each. The same goes for Google accounts. Please add this, and I will use Brave even more.

Facebook Container

Facebook Container is a web browser add-on that is created to isolate your Facebook accounts from your other web activities. By putting it inside a “container,” ...

Facebook Container for Firefox

If that's too much for you, the Facebook Container extension isolates your identity into a separate container tab, making it harder for Facebook to track you on ...

Facebook Container necessary?

2023年3月11日 — You only need to use containers now if you want to do things like logging in to multiple accounts on the same site at the same time. Facebook ...

Facebook Container – Get this Extension for Firefox (en

2023年7月19日 — Facebook Container works by isolating your Facebook identity into a separate container that makes it harder for Facebook to track your visits to ...


Facebook Container is an add-on you can install on Firefox to prevent Facebook from tracking your activity on other websites, so you can continue to use ...

跟臉書拼到底!Firefox 發表新外掛,防臉書把你瀏覽紀錄看光光

2018年3月28日 — 這款Firefox 的外掛就叫「Facebook Container add-on」。根據Mozilla 發布的聲明,他們有鑒於大眾追求網路隱私和安全的需求,研究這項技術已達數年之久。